Physics 50 Fitting Page

Select a comma-separated values file with the following format. You may use either commas or tabs as the delimiter between columns. The first row of the CSV file must hold the column labels, which are then used to label the x and y axes. You may surround algebraic variables and Greek letters with dollar signs; e.g., $\theta$ (°) or $L$ (cm) or $T^2$ (s$^2$) or $L_{\rm string}$ (cm). Some characters are special and need to be escaped with a leading backslash, including #. If you run into trouble, try removing non alphanumeric characters from your column labels.

xlabelylabely uncertainties

Upload a CSV file with columns x,y,y_uncertainty

optional key-value pairs to format the plot

Optional keys — separate pairs with commas
xminlower limit of x axisxmin=0
yminlower limit of y axisymin=0
legend Position of the legend ('south', 'north', 'east', 'west') legend=east